Gamescom 2022 becomes a mega event

Gamescom 2022 in Cologne is already casting its shadow. It is already clear that a mega-event will take place at the exhibition center in August. The interest of the companies is huge. Gamescom 2022 is likely to break all previous records.

The industry will present itself between August 24 and 28 at the Cologne trade fair center. Its CEO Oliver Freese confirmed in an interim statement to the press that they believe the previous record year of 2019 will be surpassed. According to Freese, it has had a positive effect that Gamescom has not completely disappeared from the screen in the corona years 2020 and 2021.

The trade show has been hosted virtually and has also received a huge response online. In 2022, exhibitors are simply “fired up” to present themselves to the public up close again, he said.

Huge interest in exhibitor spaces

Around 250 exhibitors have already reserved their places for Gamescom 2022. This means that, compared to the record year of 2019, the organizers can already boast a space utilization rate of 80 percent. The number of game companies is sure to increase. Gamescom 2022 will once again take place throughout the Cologne exhibition center, in all halls as well as the outdoor areas.

Hall 1, which has been brand-newly renovated, will host the Event Arena. The spaces here are already fully booked. The Indie Arena will be significantly expanded compared to previous events.

Country pavilions will be a highlight

The country pavilions will certainly be a highlight of the game fair. The largest space will be occupied by the exhibition's partner country – Australia. In recent years, the fifth continent has become a hotbed of innovation in the gaming scene.

Australia will certainly confirm this in Cologne. Other nations that will set up their own national pavilion at Gamescom 2022 include Belgium, Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic and the USA.

Theme area and ESL eSports tournament

Guests in Cologne can look forward to a special spectacle in August. A top-class eSport invitational tournament is scheduled in the ESL calendar. Some of the best and successful eSport clans will be on site.

Furthermore, the fair is divided into different themed areas, including the sections Retro, Cosplay and Family & Friends.

Popularity shows booming games industry

The interest of companies in Gamescom 2022 shows that the gaming industry and eSports continue to be a booming business. Felix Falk of the German Game Industry Association commented as follows:

“Given the two pandemic years without Gamescom on site, we are very pleased to see such a strong turnout from so many partners already at this point. There are many additional challenges for exhibitors this year, but together we have a clear goal to make Gamescom the global beacon for games again this year.”

The association, as well as the management of the Cologne-based trade fair, have been busy with preparations for months. The goal – to reunite the companies and the community – after the Corona break is being meticulously pursued. From our point of view, it is certain that the record year 2019 will be surpassed, and not in terms of the number of exhibitors. Without question, the number of visitors will also be at a record level in August.