Gaming industry facing sales decline?

No. Things can't always go up. The first estimates for 2022 say that sales in the games industry will decline this year.

So can we assume a sustained decline in sales in the games world? Is the industry experiencing a turnaround? Is it possibly going down permanently? Here's the news.

Gaming industry has benefited from Corona

The gambling and gaming scene was among the beneficiaries of the Covid crisis. Revenues jumped in 2020. The reason is simple.

All around the world, people were at home and condemned to do nothing. All around, all stores and especially leisure facilities were closed. So what to do? Sure – play games. Gamer PCs, accessories and consoles became top sellers. Gaming hardware and software manufacturers raked in huge profits.

In addition, numerous gamers discovered eSports for themselves. The number of players in almost all genres increased. For eSports clans, the Corona period was also more than appealing. Those who kept their eyes open as an organization were able to attract numerous new talents.

The exact figures of the gaming industry

We have summarized below the revenue figures of the gaming industry in recent years.

2015: 95 billion dollars
2016: 107 billion dollars
2017: $124 billion
2018: 140 billion dollars
2019: 151 billion dollars
2020: $182 billion
2021: $191 billion

The figures show that things have been going steadily uphill in recent years. You can see this especially in the development from 2019 to 2021. The industry continued to grow in 2021 as well.

Games industry forecast for 2022

This year, analysts expect total revenue of $188 billion. The decline from the previous year is not huge, but it is recognizable. Definitely, the time of increases is over. The reasons for the decline are manifold.

What is clear is that many players have stocked up on the latest technology in 2020 and 2021. New purchases are not on the cards. Analysts see the main reason for the decline in the very high inflation in the USA.

Rising prices are poison for expansion. In China, there are also extreme restrictions due to the Corona measures, which are again very strict. Some supply chains have been interrupted. Furthermore, all Internet cafes have been closed in China, and these provided the highest gaming revenues in the country.

The Ukraine war also plays a role in the decline in numbers. The majority of game manufacturers have withdrawn from the Russian market. This means that a huge potential customer base has disappeared for the companies.

Stagnation yes, downturn no

Conclusion: We are not talking about a sustained downturn in the games industry. On the contrary, from our point of view, the figures remain at a very high level. If you look at the current crises and problems in the world, the revenue expectations of the gaming industry are even still above average. It seems that companies can defy all odds.

So there is no reason to paint a gloomy picture for the future. If analysts have their way, the figures will already pick up slightly next year. For 2023, sales are expected to reach $195 billion. By 2025 at the latest, the 200 billion dollar mark should be cracked.

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