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VCT 2022 Schedule: All dates for the upcoming tournaments.

Want to know when to take time off and invite all your friends to a VCT Watch Party? Here are all the dates you need to know as a Valorant fan.

Whether you're interested in the small events, majors, or Game Changers development, this article has all the dates you need to mark to stay up to date with the current Valorant Esports season. Remember, though, that all the dates mentioned here are tentative and could still change (if they do, we will of course update this article as soon as possible). Keep up to date with everything else about Valorant as well….

VCT 2022: Complete Schedule

This year's VCT 2022 will consist of two phases, each of which will conclude with major tournaments. Like last year, there will be a separate leaderboard for each region, from which the best teams will be invited to the Valorant Champions.

Teams that also did well, but did not finish in the top 2/3 of the standings, will have a chance to compete for their spot at the World Championships during the Last Chance Qualifiers.

Stage 1

Region Tournament-Type Date
NA Challengers 11.02. – 27.03.
EMEA Challengers 11.02. – 27.03.
BR Challengers 12.02. – 27.03.
Korea Challengers 23.02. – 27.03.
Japan Challengers 26.02. – 27.03.
APAC Challengers 10.03. – 27.03.
LATAM Challengers TBA (March)
All Regions Masters 14.04. – 29.04.

Stage 2

As of now, the exact dates for the Stage 2 tournaments for regions other than EMEA and NA are not yet known. What we do know is that the Stage 2 Challengers for all regions will end on June 26.


Region Tournament Type Date
NA Challengers 13.05. – 26.06.
EMEA Challengers 13.05. – 26.06.
BR Challengers TBA – 26.06.
Korea Challengers TBA – 26.06.
Japan Challengers TBA – 26.06.
APAC Challengers TBA – 26.06.
LATAM Challengers TBA – 26.06.
All Regions Masters TBA (July)

Last Chance Qualifiers

All VCT 2022 Last Chance Qualifiers will take place in August, while the Valorant Champions tournament is scheduled for September. At the moment we don't know the exact dates and formats of these two tournaments, but as soon as we know more we will of course keep you updated.

VCT Game Changers NA 2022 Schedule

That's it for the primary VCT 2022 Circuit, but there is news for all female Esports fans. After the great interest in the Game Changers tournaments last year, Riot has decided to expand this project and make it a year-round circuit. Here is the full schedule for the VCT Game Changers NA 2022:

Stage Tournament-Type Date
1 Open Qualifier 31.03. – 03.04.
1 Main Event 07.04. -10.04.
2 Open Qualifier 30.06. – 03.07.
2 Main Event 07.07. – 10.07.
3 Open Qualifier 06.10. – 09.10.
3 Main Event 13.10. – 16.10.
Finals Game Changers World Championship TBA

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