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Purple AERO PHANTOM Goes Crazy! – Valorant

VALORANT update: camera release date, Act 3 episode 3 patch, new battle pass and more

The latest VALORANT Update is set to bring Episode 3 Act 3, which will introduce the new Agent Chamber. The next Act will start from November 2, 2021 and will last for ten weeks.

The new Act will arrive with a new Battle Pass, but the highlight of this VALORANT Update is still the new Agent Chamber! Chamber's official description reads: Well-dressed and well-armed, French weapons designer Chamber drives off assailants with deadly accuracy. He leverages his custom arsenal to hold the line and take out enemies from afar, with a contingency built for every plan.

Before you dive in to find out more about the next VALORANT update, be sure to check out our best Agent Guide for Act 3. Don't forget that a new Map 8 is also coming to VALORANT soon, possibly with Episode 4 Act 1.

VALORANT update: camera release date

The next VALORANT update will hit the game on November 2, 2021. However, this update will not introduce the new agent chamber to the game. Instead, Chamber will arrive two weeks after the VALORANT update patch 3.09. Therefore, players can expect Chamber to arrive in VALORANT Episode 3 Act 3 with patch 3.10.

The developers previously reported that they have opted to hold the Agent for an additional two weeks while we work to polish those final aspects. Sometimes the last 10% of the work really brings together 90% of the previous work. In a game like VALORANT where decisions are made in milliseconds, these aspects must be there. This was not an easy decision for us, and I hope you understand as we took the extra time to finish the final loose ends.

Regardless, a new gameplay video was released for content creators and shows how Chamber will work in the game. Its utilities aren't as solid as they looked on paper, and you can catch up with our Chamber skill breakdown for more details.

VALORANT update: Act 3 episode 3 patch

The next VALORANT update will arrive with a new competitive Act 3 reboot on November 2. Popular content creator @ValorLeaks revealed that this new update will have several weapon changes. These new changes will focus on reducing the impact of running and shooting in VALORANT.

Recently, all act release dates for the upcoming Episode 4 were revealed by popular data miner @Floxeye. After that, VALORANT Episode 4 Act 1 will start on January 11, 2022. Act 2 will start on March 1 and Act 3 will start on April 26. However, Riot Games postponed the previous Acts and it is very likely that these dates will change at a later date.

VALORANT update: new prices and Battlepass cosmetics

The upcoming VALORANT Episode 3 Act 3 Battlepass is priced at 1000 PV and will last for 10 weeks until January 11, 2022. Here are all the rewards players can get from the free and purchased version of the upcoming Battlepass in VALORANT Episode 3 Act 3.


Aero Frenzy with variants
Gun Buddy Edible Ornament
Get the Gun Buddy image
Kingdoms split player card
Plant Plant Spray


Genesis melee bow
Aero Phantom with variants
Genesis Operator
Phantom Goldwing
Container Fire Gun Buddy
Winner Winner Gun Buddy
Versus // KAY / O + Sulfur Card
Unstoppable // Viper Card
Light it up, Rudy Spray

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