Overwatch 2 – Gator Takes Over Atlanta, Poko Ends His Career

Several head coaches are searching for new jobs after being fired by their companies during the cruel 2022 offseason of the #OverwatchLeague, although some teams are turning inward in preparation for the following season.

Blake #Gator Scott, a former tank player, was named the Atlanta Reign's new head coach today, according to the team.

Meanwhile, a veteran known for his skill of using the D.Va bomb has decided to retire. Gael #Poko Gouzerch, who has played in the Overwatch League for five seasons, announced his retirement earlier today on Twitter.

Gator’s Reign Begins

Brad #Sephy Rajani, the team's longstanding head coach, announced his resignation from his post yesterday to take a remote analyst role. Gator will be the team's first new head coach since it was founded.

Gator, who joined the Atlanta Reign in 2019 after graduating from Overwatch Contenders' ATL Academy, was formerly the team's primary tank player. He played just one game in 2022, but he was an important member of the club in 2020 and 2021. Atlanta parted ways with Gator and five other players at the beginning of the offseason.

Gator tweeted that he was “excited about the opportunity and new challenges.”

The three players still under contract from Atlanta's 2022 roster—tank Xander #Hawk Domecq, DPS Kai Collins, and support Kim #vigilante Jun—have not yet received any comments.

When the Atlanta Reign and Shanghai Dragons squared off in the season's Grand Finals in 2021, the squad was at its best. Even though Shanghai defeated them 4-0, it was a highlight for the team. The Reign advanced to the 2022 postseason bracket but were eliminated after losing to the Florida Mayhem twice in a row.

Poko Riding Into The Sunset

Poko, a founding member of the Overwatch League, played for the Philadelphia Fusion for four seasons before joining the London Spitfire for the 2022 campaign. He assisted in guiding the Fusion to the Grand Finals during their maiden season. Along with DPS Lee #Carpe Jaehyeok, he became a dependable member of the Fusion core.

There are no members of the season one Fusion roster who are presently signed to a club since Poko and Carpe left professional Overwatch.

The two-time All-Star joined the young London Spitfire club, where Poko was the team's seasoned veteran.

Poko nonetheless shown his keen abilities and demonstrated capacity to support a successful squad throughout the brief time he was required to play. The Spitfire team would go on to perform better than expected, finishing in fifth place and going 14-10 overall. Out of five seasons of competition, Poko has only once missed the playoffs in the league.

During the 6-vs-6 era, Poko was a productive off-tank player. He joined the league as a flashy player who frequently completed D.Va Self-Destruct multikills, also known as Poko Bombs in the community. Together with his top-tier DPS companions, he was a player who stood out in the season one dive meta.

When the Fusion signed Kim #Fury Junho, another top off-tank player for the 2020 season, it raised concerns about how Poko, the team's clear number-two choice in his position, would fit in.

He played a key role in each season's integration of the Fusion's new crop of players. Throughout his five years of competition, Poko remained one of the most adored and well-liked players.

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